The Run Activities screen is where you will assign activities to your students and set the options for each assignment. It has the following four sections: Activities (those included in this app); My Activities (those you create yourself); Description; and Standards.
The Activities tab has the following columns and functions
There are two types of live activity: Self-Paced and Teacher-Paced.
The Self-Paced activity allows students to answer questions at their own pace. As the teacher, you will see live information as students answer questions. You can cycle through the questions as they are answered.
The Teacher-Paced activity allows the teacher to set the pace. Questions advance at the teacher’s discretion. The main screen displays the current question and provides you with a link to View the Results and a Next button to advance to the next question. Students who have not answered the current question will be unable to do so once the button is clicked, and there is no method for students to go back to alter their answers.
View Responses: By Question shows a breakdown of how students answered the selected question; By Activity indicates what percentage of the class (of those who have answered the questions) answered correctly on each question; By Student presents a table of all participating students and their answers to each question including the percentage of correct answers.
The Preview button allows you to view the activity as if you were a student.
The End Activity button will end the activity. Students who have not completed the activity will be unable to do so.
The Student indicator appears beneath the Room Number and displays a ratio of students who have completed the question (Teacher-Paced) or the entire activity (Self-Paced) over the total number of students that have logged into the room.
In addition to the functions listed under Activities, the My Activities tab has the following additional functions:
An overview of the app and the included activities.
Includes a sorted list of all standards applicable to this set of activities. Each individual standard can be expanded to display the related activities.
Quick Poll allows you to create polls and receive instant feedback. The Quick Poll will allow you to ask a True/False or Multiple Choice Question to which the students can respond. This feature is perfect for voting or quick tests of knowledge where students may remain anonymous. This option should be used in a classroom when all the students are physically present as no questions will appear on their screen during the poll.
Students who log in and join your room will automatically join the Quick Poll in progress. After you ask the question, students may respond. You can then see in real time a tally of student responses.
After all of your students have answered, you may end the activity or ask another question.
If you want to create your own simple activities, this screen is where you will do it.
The View Results screen gives you access to the results for previous activities. These are listed in the drop-down menu, sorted by date and activity name. After selecting the desired activity, you can view the results just as you did in the Go Live tab (see above). You can view responses by Question, by Activity and by Student.
If the activity included short answer questions, you can review these by viewing the responses by Question, navigating to the question that contains the short answer, and hitting the Review Answers button. You will see a list of student responses you can mark.
Note that responses from Quick Poll activities will not appear here as they are not saved.
You can return to the main screen using the Back button.
You can email the results of the selected activity using the Email Results button. A spreadsheet of the results will be sent to the email address you used to log in to the system. This spreadsheet can then saved and uploaded to your LMC or other grading system.
Displays a list of other titles you may be interested in.
You can make changes to basic settings here.